Found this error generated by Flex Data Services 2 that cause Flash Player incorrectly redirects to the Adobe Download Center instead of the initial MXML page :
When a user does not have the required version of the Flash Player and browses to an MXML application, the Express Install process prompts the user to install the current version of the Flash Player. After the Flash Player is updated, the user is incorrectly redirected to the Adobe Flash Player Download Center instead of the initial MXML page.
This patch is only supported when installed upon a licensed version of FDS 2.
The patch is delivered as a ZIP file containing all relevant files. The patch must be manually installed for each FDS application.
- Download the file. (6KB)
- Stop the FDS application or the J2EE server instance.
- Unzip the file to a temporary directory.
- Copy fds2_143906.jar into the /WEB-INF/flex/hotfixes directory.
- Restart the FDS application or the J2EE server instance.
Non ho capito. Che c'entra i FDS con l'aggiornamento automatico del Player?
Posted by: Graeme Harker | July 18, 2006 at 12:37 AM