Apple will introduce built-in support for Adobe Flash on the iPhone in the next couple of months, according to the article of the Questions About Apple’s iPhone from The Wall Street Journal :
If the iPhone’s Web browser is so good, why can’t it play video on Web sites I visit?
At launch, the iPhone version of the Safari browser is missing some plug-ins needed for playing common types of Web videos. The most important of these is the plug-in for Adobe’s Flash technology. Apple says it plans to add that plug-in through an early software update, which I am guessing will occur within the next couple of months. However, a separate program included on the iPhone can play a limited selection of videos from YouTube, and the phone can play videos you purchase from Apple’s iTunes store, and certain videos you create yourself.
Web application developers can now reuse existing open source C and C++ client or server-side code on the Flash Platform.
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Posted by: BRADFORD31Ilene | February 28, 2010 at 04:26 PM
Thanks for the update. I can't wait to get my apps on my iPhone.
Posted by: Andrew Paul Simmons | July 19, 2007 at 08:38 AM