Tomorrow I'll have two speeches at the FromAToWeb Conference. This is one of my favourite conference bacause it reminds me when I was a consultant for Macromedia.
If I remember well, it was the first conference in Italy I attended as speaker.
Anyway, my speeches will be on :
AJAX web pages with the Spry Framework and Dreamweaver CS3
Introducing AIR Applications
I'll talk of Spry, use the AIR Dreamweaver CS3 Extension and the Adobe AIR Update for Adobe Flash CS3 Professional beta 2, some and comment some great AIR Applications.
Very interesting stuff, guys !
At the end of the presentation I'll donate some books for free (thanks to the courtesy of FriendsofED) :
- Object Oriented ActionScript 3 (Peter Elst, Todd Yard and Jacobs)
- The Essential Guide to Flex 2 and ActionScritp 3 (Charles Brown)
- Flahs CS3 for Designers (Green and Stiller)
See you there !