Flash Lite Friday Digest is a condensed and organized set of links that help users to get a weekly overview on Flash Lite mobile world.
This week issue of Flash Lite Friday Digest starts with two great articles on Flash Lite 2 :
Mark Horsel, after playing around with Falsh Lite development, gave us the reason why he's disappointed about this technology :
- FlashLite isn’t a develop once use everywhere technology, yes things are easier than they are in JAVA but its not as simple as its sometimes portrayed.
- Performance on devices generally is poor, so forget complex motion graphics
- Flashlite 1.1 is a real pain to work with, so for a while at least its going to be very simple games or applications
This is just a summary so read his "Show me the money - Flash on Devices" post and don't miss some good comments (John Dowdell, Bill Perry and Alessandro).
Tim came back blogging and he explain why many people are still trying to write off J2ME and companies like Everypoint are interesting in that they are providing viable solutions for real time mobile content delivery. He thinks it also requires us to revisit some Flash Lite vs J2ME comparisons.
So in order to have a reply to his last question "What's this mean for FlashLite and FlashCast?" you have to read the full post : Flash Lite / Flash Cast alternatives.
On this topic I wrote a post about an interesting emerging technology by Openwave : Openwave MIDAS (Mobile Integrated Dynamic Application System), that in practise, is a scripted application environment that lets operators manage the device UIs of their subscribers, including pushing new applications to the phones out there.
Could it be a Flash Lite / Flash Cast competitor ?
Bill Perry pointed out some great news for developers : the Flash Lite 2 Update availability in International Languages and 3 new Flash Mobile forums from Adobe ! Great resources for the resto of us !
Richard Legget from the last London MMUG randomly selected the winner from his mobile phone with a very simple little Flash Lite 1.1 app at the end of the night !
From his blog you can download this funny application and modify it to be the next winner ! :)
Scott keep us updated wiht the release of iriver U10 1.27 MTP Firmware update and with the Adobe Six Stories mini site, a similar vein to the mobile Engage campaign, but encompasses more of the product line from Adobe. Now complete with all the products … Flash, Flash Lite, etc.
Two new phones added to Flash Lite world : Samsung SCH-V910 Handset (Flash Lite UI) and Nokia 3250.
And the winner is .... Flash Lite.
CMP Media Announces Winners for the 16th Annual Jolt Product Excellence & Productivity Awards (via Alessandro) :
Last but not least a new great resource for Flash Lite developers : Flash Lite for Mobile Game Developers blog. by Miikka Lyytikäinen CEO of Aniway.
This blog concentrates on mobile game development with Flash Lite, and issues relating to mobile game industry.
Productivity Winners:
- – Carbide.c++ Express (Nokia)
- – Flash Lite 2.0 (Adobe)
- – NetBeans IDE 4.1 (Sun Microsystems)